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A new era of greening cities in the Americas in the face of the

Welcome message from Mayor Jim Watson

SEPTEMBER 9, 2022    Ottawa, Canada

Ottawa Climate Declaration

Líderes* of the North American Capitals united for the Earth

*By invitation only for the chiefs in charge of the Capital of the country.

Claudia Sheinbaum

Head of Government of Mexico City



Jim Watson

Mayor of Ottawa


Muriel Bowser

Mayor of Washington D.C.

United States of America

The Adaptation and Mitigation Challenge


The 30x30 campaign calls for the urgent challenge of increasing urban protected areas by 2030 in the capitals.


Fulfilling Cities Race to Zero through the commitments already signed with the goal of neutrality requires a strategic plan published together with the Capitals.


Obtaining genuine resources through the carbon market needs the support of satellites, methodology based on conservation science and a new financial architecture with the Capitals.


Climate legislation held by local governments must guarantee new opportunities through urgent measures for the citizens of capital cities.

We were born in 1995 inspired by a different kind of regional integration, respectful of diversity and with the vocation of building a participatory citizenship without borders. 24 years later, we are one of the most important networks of local governments in South America and an outstanding reference in regional integration processes.


Today, we are a far cry from our original 12-city membership, with 364 member cities in 10 countries of the continent (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia), home to more than 120 million people.




27th Mercociudades Summit

November 29 - December 1

La ONU urge a la declaración global de "estado de emergencia climática" también desde las Américas.


London, Sydney, Los Angeles, Barcelona, Toronto and more than 60 other cities have joined the Treaty.

CC35 calls on the mayors of the Capitals of the Americas to join in and accelerate decarbonization.

Every city needs a PLAN

Desde las pequeñas transacciones con los comerciantes locales hasta los esfuerzos de mayor envergadura, como el pago de los impuestos anuales, blockchain servirá de base para los intercambios financieros de la ciudad de Lugano.


CHF Investment Fund


Scholarships for Students


Merchants Joining


Taxes in BTC, USDT, LVGA


The CCCCC And CC35 Forge Climate Change Partnership Ahead Of COP26

see news

La CEPAL organiza Taller sobre ‘herramientas de evaluación de Plan de Acción Climática de la ciudad de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

see news

 Implementation of the New Urban Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean

see news

5 Capitals

With technical assistance for the creation of PAC's with the support of ECLAC.

750 million

To create the Subnational Climate Fund with the support of the GCF.

166 Cities

Engaged with Cities Race to Zero for COP26 in Glasgow with the support of the UNFCCC.

In numbers

1 Program

Conservation for urban areas under Quito's leadership with support from UNEP with the support of UNEP.

35 Legislators

To discuss the regulatory future of the Americas in the framework of local diplomacy with the support of UNDP.

+ 80 Técnicos

Trained in the Climate Week for Latin America and the Caribbean under the MCR2030 initiative with the support of UNDRR.

CC35 Capital Cities


City of Ottawa




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A new era of greening cities in the Americas in the face of the Glasgow

Climate Pact

Líderesof the North American Capitals united for the Earth

Every city needs a PLAN